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Upload only ONE file if your Calendar is a complete custom design. If you are sending us 15 images for your calendar, please put all of the images into one zip folder and upload them. Make sure the images are clearly labeled as to where they go in the calendar.
Example: Front cover.JPG, Jan 2024.JPG, Feb 2024.JPG, Etc.
You can put individual image files into ONE folder and compress the folder into a Zip file, then upload.
For custom designed calendars: When saving your file as a PDF please save it as a high resolution PDF file with crop marks and 1/8" bleeds on all four sides of each page.
To save several files or images into a Zip folder, follow these instructions: Select the files (hold down the shift key to select multiple files) -> Right Click -> Send To -> Compressed (zipped) Folder. You will then upload that zipped folder.
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